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Can Fetal Development Stunted While in the Womb

The weight of the prospective baby will continue to increase with increasing gestational age. This indicates that the fetus absorbs nutrients properly. But if the weight of the fetus does not increase according to gestational age, pregnant women must be careful. This could indicate that fetal development is stunted. In the medical world, fetal development that is stunted during pregnancy is known as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). A fetus with an IUGR condition is indeed smaller than a normal fetus, but that does not mean that a small fetus must have this condition, Mother. Not only is the birth weight low or the body looks thin, babies born with IUGR usually have pale skin, as well as heart rate and weak movements.

Types of IUGR

IUGR is divided into two types, namely symmetrical (primary) and asymmetrical (secondary) IUGR. In symmetrical IUGR, the entire fetus, including its internal organs, is small. Whereas in asymmetric IUGR, fetal development is uneven. For example, the size of the head and brain of a fetus is normal according to its age, but other body parts are smaller. Asymmetrical IUGR is generally only detected after the fetus enters the third trimester.

This Causes Fetal Development is Stunted

IUGR can be caused by a variety of things, but it generally occurs due to interference with the placenta or the placenta. An impaired placenta cannot deliver adequate oxygen, blood and food to the fetus. As a result, the fetus experiences obstacles in its development. In addition to problems with the placenta, genetic disorders, too little amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios), and multiple pregnancies can also be a cause of IUGR. Fetal development is not only influenced by pregnancy conditions and the health of the fetus itself. Maternal health can also affect fetal growth and development, you know. The following are health problems in pregnant women who are at risk of causing the fetus to experience IUGR:
  • Infection during pregnancy, such as rubella or toxoplasma.
  • Poor nutrition during pregnancy.
  • Anemia.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Heart disease.

Management of the Fetus with IUGR

The fetus is considered to have IUGR if it does not show signs of development in accordance with gestational age. This can be seen through an ultrasound examination when pregnant mothers check their pregnancy to the obstetrician. In addition, pay attention to the Little Kick also yes, pregnant women. The kick can be a sign of a healthy fetus or not. If an obstetrician finds that a pregnant fetus has an IUGR, then prenatal care needs to be done more frequently to monitor fetal development. The doctor will also improve the nutrition intake of pregnant women, so that the fetus can reach a body weight according to its age. Pregnant women may also be asked to have total rest in order to optimize blood circulation to the fetus. In addition, pregnant women need to adopt a healthy lifestyle, by not consuming alcoholic beverages, smoking, or taking drugs that are not recommended by doctors. If fetal weight increases during the monitoring period, the doctor will keep the fetus in the womb until delivery day arrives. However, if the fetus is in danger, the doctor will perform early labor by induction or cesarean section. To monitor fetal growth and detect fetal development that is stunted, pregnant women need to regularly check the pregnancy to the obstetrician. The recommended examination schedule is every month until 28 weeks gestation, every 2 weeks at 28-36 weeks gestation, and every week until before delivery.


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